17Fall COMP345 Advanced Programming Design with C++
udgrad. course, Concordia University, 2017
- Course instructor Dr. Joey Paquet’s course webpage
- This page is maintained by the teaching assistance Haotao Lai (Eric)
Week 3
- parameter-passing, vector, command line compile, makefile. Slide
- a really brief introduction of gcc and make. PDF
Week 4
Week 5
- We covered code set 4 in the lab, no other materials
- MFC Serialization Code Example
Week 6
Week 7
- modularity Slide
Week 8
Object created on stack and heap, a clear explanation versioin Slide
Virtual method, pure virtual method, virtual inheritance
Week 9
- We talk a little bit about design pattern
Week 10
- final version grading schema for assignment 3 PDF
Week 11
- We talk about operator overrloading using the course's lecture slide and go through two example
Week 12
- We talk about template using using the course's lecture slide
- Try the programming test example in the lab's computer makefile for the example question